Creation of Registers

  • Indicing of book contents according to your wishes and specifications
  • Creation of registers fort text and reference books
  • From a simple concordance to complex indices
  • Creation of registers in Word, InDesign, Framemaker and specialized indicing software
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Additional benefit thanks to registers. We create systematic and thought-through book registers according to your requirements, wishes and suggestions. We create everything from simple concordances up to complex registers.

This is what we offer

Indices according to your wishes. We mostly create registers for publications from the following areas:

Registers for printed media. We create book registers for popular scientific nonfiction books, academic text and reference books, guide books, works of reference, handbooks, technical manuals as well as trade magazines and other periodicals.

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This is how we work

Software. OCR-Soft­ware ar­bei­tet nie zu 100 Pro­zent ge­nau. Zu­dem sind die OCR-Er­geb­nis­se stark von der Qua­li­tät der Vor­la­ge ab­hän­gig. Auf Wunsch be­ar­bei­ten wir die OCR-Er­geb­nis­se.

Vorbereitung. Liegt das zu di­gi­ta­li­sie­ren­de Ma­ter­ial nur auf Pa­pier vor, wird es ge­scannt. An­schlie­ßend wer­den die Scan­er­geb­nis­se von Ver­schmut­zun­gen ge­säu­bert und op­ti­mi­ert. Da­durch ver­bes­sern wir die OCR-Er­geb­nis­se.

 Questions? See our FAQ

This is how you reach us

Jaroslaw Piwowarski

Jaroslaw Piwowarski

Project Manager Science & Research

phone+49 30 54 86 79 02